Well, October's long-past, and a whole bunch of things have happened.
The vendor fair was pretty unsuccessful (one plushie, and one tote bag sold...sigh)
I've made a few new plushies since then, I have a bunch of sewn, but yet to be stuffed too.
My sewing machine broke, so I replaced it with a new fancy one that I still don't understand all the functions on yet...because its fancy.
I got to use my Disneyland Pass once in October, my buddy Grant and I were there for like two and a half hours, we rode 7 rides. I suppose I should mention it was on a Wednesday.
That same day I picked up my Diploma from UCI, tis a pretty cool feeling.
Saw Megamind last night, it was an Amazingly Awesome display of Super-Greatness! (That's a future DVD Box quote right there, I can see it now..."Amazingly Awesome display of Super-Greatness!"- Nate Little, Suburban Renaissance Man) and I only watched it in 2D on a normal screen. I can't wait to see it again, hopefully in IMAX 3D, which I'm sure is totally gonna be worth it.
I unfortunately due to some weird Standardized Testing Thing and then a Holiday and Furlough day between this week and last mean I'm losing some 28 hours of potential work/pay this month as an AVID tutor, while the loss of monies is sad, it frees me up to have another Adventure in the land of Dizz-Knee. Which should open up the opportunity for me to go twice this month, thus making up for my lack of using my pass in September.
Not only did I easiy get my Grad School application in to CGU on time, but I just got a letter from them today...
I was ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that's right.
Starting in January, I will be a MFA Student at Claremont Graduate University!
I am Super Stoked! XDDDD
After visiting there this summer I was convinced it was pretty much perfect for me, and I can't wait to get cracking on working on all kinds of ridiculous-awesome stuff.
With that I figure I'm good for this blog post.
I'll upload the new plush pics in the next couple days.