Friday, August 5, 2011

I give you MAL and Pals! - And Studio Repaint Party!

Hey Hey Hey Blog, remember me? Remember all those times I said I shot video of my buddies and I going to Disneyland? Well ya know what I totally started something I've been meaning to do for like 8 months now and made the MAL and Pals! YouTube account. ...there's a Mad Artisan Labs Account too...but well... no content for it yet. Because I'm totally making a legit Web Show for it as such it needs more time.

Soo here's the intro video:

And here's the First Installment of MAL and Pals!
We had a Studio Paint Party, I'm pretty happy with the end result, Can't wait to get things the rest of the way moved in so I can really enjoy using it. 

I expect to do these pretty often, but with no regular release schedule. Hit that Sub Yo!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Oh Hai Blog

*May 9th Edit: I've just realized that the self-referential, screw timeline nature of this post is incoherent babble to most folks, not that many people read these anyway, but still I apologize.*

What a surprise here, I've been really busy with school and have neglected my awesome blog and other interwebs duties, only to come back to it in a fit of boredom due to some sort of plan change that lead to me sitting in my studio or my bedroom with nothing better to do, as I did when I started this post 10 days ago. Or it can be like it is now, I need to stay up and work on something completely unrelated to this that's considerably more important, but can't work on it because my brain hates me, so here I am. Or as what will happen when I actually get around to publishing this post, I got tired of reading Cracked articles and decided to finish editing all the photos I need to upload.

Let's see...what have I been up to? Well, School, School, and more School, with a taste of Work. Now on an upside that means I've been making arts n such, and that is a good thing, because it gives me Photos to post, lots of delicious photos. Will I get around to that part tonight? No way mang. I'm not even going to publish this post until its next month, because that's how I roll. (*note* I started this post on April 14th, today is Easter Sunday)(And Now it's May 9th whee) I've made monsters, bugs, and abstract sculptures out of Go-kart track barricades and more, so lots of good stuff to post pictures of. And I found this AMAZINGLY HORRIBLE AWESOME cheap toy at a 99 cents store in Glendora, it's called "SUPER GUN."  Naturally for the purposes of Artmakings, I promptly bought 27 packages of them, That's 54 Super Guns. And I may get more as soon as my next paycheck shows up, if there are any left.

Update on Twilight Zone, I'm about half way through season four, and I've suddenly misplaced the DVD box. I saw it earlier today, but have no clue where it is now, which is a shame, because I just finished the last episode on this particular disk... :/ by the time this actually gets published, I'll have finished season four I'm sure of it. *Well, now that I'm actually making the post, I am indeed half way through season 5, which is sad because its almost over*

In terms of things Involving the land of Dizz Knee, I've managed to get in my 1 trip per month quota, but finding that "Extra trip to make up for missing September"  and have yet to edit one of the many "Broventure Vlogs" I've filmed on said trips. Including one "That had a Ladydude" as Scott Pilgrim would say. I figure I'll edit them into one "supervlog highlight reel" using only the best of clips from said trips sometime soon. I'm also starting to really get the hang of "Ancient Maran" (the language written all over everything on Indiana Jones Adventure Temple of the Forbidden Eye) I can like write half the letters just by memory now, I hope to get to where I don't need the decoder card when I'm in the line soon.

Also, I've assembled a team for the Disney Imagineering ImagiNations competition, I've joined forces with my fellow Dream-Finders Brandon, Alex and Grant. Our awesome ideas are so super great, I look forward to when we really kick the project into gear. (no, I'm not telling you what our plan is, internet ... sorry. Its a SEEEEEEECRET ) we're planning on entering the 2012 competition ... because we missed this year's deadline for entry by like a week, which is ok since we now get a lot more time to develop a concept.

Anywho I'm just gonna post this now before it gets any more confusing, I'll make a big picture post tomorrow or something.


Monday, February 14, 2011

I've been traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind

That's the signpost up ahead, next stop The Twilight Zone.

Ok, so back in mid January, I picked up The Twilight Zone: The Complete Definitive Collection Box Set, which, as expected, is absolutely AWESOME.

Since then, I've found myself spending much too much time analyzing and enjoying this exceptional piece of television history. Rod Serling's narrations drawing me ever deeper to the edge of that 5th dimension. I can't help but admit that it is starting to hinder my ability to focus on the things I should be doing, like say... my papers and readings for classes, and/or my current in-process artwork.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The "I start grad school tomorrow" Plush-a-thon!

Greetings intewebs, its another lovely day to sew like a crazy person! YAAAAAAAAAAY!

So yeah the one-man-monster-machine is ready to plushify, I've got a commission or two on the block to finish and a bunch of partially or mostly sewn things to stuff. Should be a fun day of squishy goodness.

So I'm off to clear off my sewing desk, I'll be back with updates soon!

12:30 PM: Ok so I have 6 Turtlebugs and a Rhino all at the mostly finished stage. I just need to stuff them and Top stitch the  Turtlebug shells, I suppose its time to actually use my new sewing machine (dun dun dun)

I'm off to grab myself some lunch, and last min supplies to finish an Owl Commission for my pal Matt.

3:45 PM Done with stuffing the rhino, and been stuffing bugs. Got the last materials for making this owl too. Dinosaur Bandana has been on and rockin since lunch.

5:30 Half a dozen Turtlebugs stuffed. Ready to be shelled.  Setting up the sewing machine to work on those and the Owl after Dinner.

7:20 Finally got my sewing machine set up, also had to do some other stuff around the house... I can't help but think I won't have the time to do all of the sewing I wanted to do before I gotta crash since I can has my first day of grad school tomorrow morning.  Also I left this window open while I got a call from a friend, and now its almost 8... I fail so hard.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Final Cut "pro" is the bane of my existence

And now that I have my registration codes back for it, I'm reminded of that fact. See, I finally get FCP working again and its giving me this total Bullcrap claim that it doesn't recognize the framerate or file type of my video files from my Kodak Playsport. Which is freaking stupid, it shoots with a standard codec, in MOV, and I've ran 720p 60FPS videos on my FCp before.

So that's it, I'm done, I don't care anymore. I'm just exporting all my timeline data for projects I want to keep and putting Premier CS5 on my computer.

Screw you FCP, you won't be missed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lets give it up for the new year.

Hey all, Happy Freaking New Year! yeah, its 9 days late, I don't care.

So far I've kicked off my year with a Bang, and it hasn't slowed down. Been to the SD Zoo with the fam, got a ton of great pics that will soon transform into glorious Digital Illustrations along the lines of my Red and Giant Pandas. I've had an epic day at Disneyland with my pals Brandon, Chris and Grant(video of said day to follow).  My Dad found my final cut stuff, so I can FINALLY get back to work on a bunch of videos I had in the works. And perhaps its due time I started my Video Review series I've been meaning to get going.

Also while I'm here, I made a couple new VooDoods right before 2010 ended, I'm gonna do some more once I crank through a couple commissions I gotta finish.(I'll also add some new stuff to my etsy too.)

Oh, and I totally start Grad School in 8 days! Yaaaaaay! Its crazy how I still don't know much anything about what it's going to be like, but I'm Super Stoked nonetheless.

I'm not particularly looking forward to the whole "waking up @ 5:30 AM for work" thing tomorrow. but its my last full week there, what with starting grad school, so I can tough it out.

Anywho, that will do for this update.
