Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesdays are Looooooooooong #1

Well internets, I have a  painfully long gap between my classes today. Its going to be anywhere between 3 and a half to 4 and a half hours, depending on if I have a meeting for my art history discussion, thus I'll be starting a weekly blog about the lackluster events of my Wednesdays and what I did or didn't accomplish, who I ran into and perhaps I'll do some sort of top arbitrary number list or something too. This may lead to me finally filming my "weekly Stuff I think it awesome" video series. Nevertheless this is a really long amount of free time and I'll have to find some way to kill it for the next 10 weeks.

So yeah, the start of today's loooooooooooooong Wednesday was enjoyable enough, at around 11 am I went to my car and ate my lunch, took a nice relaxing rest and got the bulk of a new VooDoo Plushie finished within the first hour (I don't have stuffing material or eyes handy), from there I wandered back onto campus, and sat down on my lappy and started watching Season One of Unfrogotten Realms again, I'm enjoying watching it on iTunes since its now a downloadable podcast, makes me happy. Ran into a couple friends and we were able to chat till their class started at one. I got to deliver This guy to my Homegirl Jolene, it was her (rather delayed) birthday/Christmas present.

After that I decided to take a walk, and circled the entirety of Aldrich Park on campus, I then worked my way towards the student center I there ran in to an associate I hadn't gotten to talk to much, Adrian was on his way to get some food, I offered to join him, even though I didn't need to, grabbed a snack, which was tasty and hung with him till around 2ish. From there I returned to nearly the exact same spot I sat in an hour earlier and started this blog. woo. well, now class is about to start wee.

-Mad Artisan

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