Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Long overdue update

Hey Blog, I know we haven't talked much lately. So I'm here to give you an Update! See I've been up to a lot of stuff and sitting down and writing about it took more time that just posting a new pic to the new MAD ARTISAN LABS Facebook page. Which you should sooo totally "Like" and then you can see updates on what I'm doing pretty much as they happen.

Where Should I kick things off? oh yeah, I have a Job now. yep. I'm employed by the Lake Elsinore Unified School District as an AVID Tutor. Whee! I never thought I'd be back at my old High School ever again, much less actually working sigh. But its a pretty sweet deal, the kids I work with are that rare breed of "not-completely-evil" Teenagers, and it pays pretty nice.

Anywho Arty-Stuffs after the Jump!