Friday, December 24, 2010

Put that new monster fur to use, oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS

There's a whole lot more pics over @ the Mad Artisan Labs Facebook page, check them out there.

This batch of Zippermouth Nomsters were made as part of my gifts for relatives. I gave a Cuponk Game to each of my Aunts/Uncles and their Families, the Nomsters serve as ball holders for their extra Cuponk Balls.

I Absolutely love this fur. It took me a bit of time to get used to working with it, but now that I kinda have the hang of it I'm super excited to do more with it. It looks super cool and seams blend exceptionally well between two pieces of the fur. I think for now I'll stick to using it only as an element, rather than the primary fabric on my characters, but I do love using it and plan on using it more. Expect a ton of new character designs the revolve around using this fur as a design element in the near future.

There's only one more sleep 'till Christmas, and I intend to get to that.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Not quite Singin' in the Rain

ya know its ironic that I last posted about how wonderfully pleasant and warm the typical Californian December was. Considering that not long after it started raining... and its been rainging for just about a week. (albeit its supposed to clear up tomorrow...and start again right after Christmas, whee.)

Now, I do enjoy the occasional rain its a nice change and all kinds of good stuff, but its rather hindering out here. particularly since it leads to pretty much everyone driving the speed of smell, and its left me being a bit of a shut-in. Particularly with the flooding that happens on the main roads out of my suburban housing area. Hell even the mailman is taking his time in this weather... our mail didn't come until after 4 pm. Which was particularly disappointing because that is how long I had to wait to see the Saddest paycheck I have yet received from LEUSD since I started working for them. Those factors coupled with an ear infection (and turns out some crazy bad earwax buildup) leaving me rather deaf-ish had put me in quite the grumpy mood. Fortunately I bought this awesome earwax remover and ear cleaner kit and it fixed me right up. Now I totally have like super hearing and its great.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Its Christmas in California, and its hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time.

As I write this its still 70 something outside, twas maybe low 80s max today, and ya know what? I love it. I truly enjoy the fact that it really doesn't hit supa-cold winter weather for more than a few weeks out here, I'm kinda at a point where its hard to imagine it any other way. By the way this post's title comes from a Jack's Mannequin song:

Anywho a bunch of stuff's happened since I last posted here, where to begin...  (read after the jump)