Friday, December 24, 2010

Put that new monster fur to use, oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS

There's a whole lot more pics over @ the Mad Artisan Labs Facebook page, check them out there.

This batch of Zippermouth Nomsters were made as part of my gifts for relatives. I gave a Cuponk Game to each of my Aunts/Uncles and their Families, the Nomsters serve as ball holders for their extra Cuponk Balls.

I Absolutely love this fur. It took me a bit of time to get used to working with it, but now that I kinda have the hang of it I'm super excited to do more with it. It looks super cool and seams blend exceptionally well between two pieces of the fur. I think for now I'll stick to using it only as an element, rather than the primary fabric on my characters, but I do love using it and plan on using it more. Expect a ton of new character designs the revolve around using this fur as a design element in the near future.

There's only one more sleep 'till Christmas, and I intend to get to that.


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