Sunday, January 24, 2010

Caffeine Bugs - Contunued

This is what a box of 66 completed Caffeine Bugs looks like. 66...of what I intended to be nearly 200, but there's no way that's gonna happen by the due date of This Tuesday on this assignment considering all the other things on my plate this week. But I'm gonna make as many more as Possible still.

I got a pretty funny idea for how I'll be displaying them now too. I'm going to have them overtaking a can of the new Jolt Cola energy drink or whatever you call it, since these represent more the "classic" Jolt.

-Mad Artisan

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Caffeine Bugs

These Little Buggers are my first sculpture project for this quarter. Made from Jolt Cola Caps and Beading wire. I'm making nearly 200 out of the caps I've collected so far this year, do I know what I'll do with them after this? No. But that's beyond the point. Here's Pics of the Three Prototypes, after I got a system down, I started just punching holes till I have all my caps prepped for wire.

-Mad Artisan

Wednesdays are Looooooooooong #3

This particular Wednesday was much less tedious than usual. As I now hold a Honor's Studio space here at school. I spent most of today moving in properly. the space itself is kinda meh, but its good enough for my purposes. I threw the rickety old table with a desk I built out of some leftover plywood and a couple 2x4s. Its not perfect, but its pretty good if I don't say so myself.

-Mad Artisan

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesdays are Looooooooooong #2

This week on Wednesdays are Looooooooooong I've had a completely different layout to my events. first off, I actually had art history discussion today, so my long downtime didn't start until noon. From there I grabbed lunch with my homegirl Jen, and her former roomate Jane, they kinda had their own agenda at lunch so I mainly sat there eating while they watched strange subtitled videos on Jane's laptop and giggled. but it could have been worse. as it got close to 1, Jen had a class so I walked her to it before I wandered here to the studio art yard, where I currently sit.
On the walk over here I finished up watching Star Trek on my iPod, which I'd been listening to on my commute in this morning. My love for that movie seems to grow every time I watch it which I still find funny, considering that I wasn't a big Trek person.  I'm now finishing taking care of my application to the Honors studio so I can has a space to chillax and work on campus during this time instead of having to sit out here. I hope to use it as a place to film stuff with Pimp 5 and to work on sewing projects at school since the sculpture studio is not a good place to keep a sewing machine. Still have a full hour left to kill... oy.

Anywho I'm just amusing myself watching the photography class that's out here putzing around while I wait, I did throw together a piece of concept art for a Senior Ex T-shirt, and I have another, but its not ready because I need to scan or take a photo of my sketch to making into the finalized vector version.

I did some sewing too today, finishing up another voodoo guy. and I've decided to  itunes rent Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, which is one of my favorite movies, since I have no idea when Jen's gonna return the DVD for it. Seriously I love this movie, and I've missed having it to watch, so I'll say its worth the 3 bucks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Check My Etsy Yo

Hey Y'all I listed 6 of my recent Non-Commission plush on Etsy:

-Mad Artisan

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Another Day, another Plushie.

More VooDoo action, and boom goes the dynamite.

More plush work on the way soon, and I still owe an upload of all my Sculpture Exhibition pics from Fall Quarter. gotta do that too. Anywho, I'm cleaning my room today, watching Fraggle Rock on DVD and just kinda enjoying the first weekend of winter quarter, no assignments to keep me tied down, its nice.

-Mad Artisan

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Plush of 2010

yesh, I can has a new plushie for the new year. Another in the VooDoo series.

This one is actually even smaller than the first, which I didn't really plan for, but I got it together fine. I'm happy he's real funky with the one eye and such.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesdays are Looooooooooong #1

Well internets, I have a  painfully long gap between my classes today. Its going to be anywhere between 3 and a half to 4 and a half hours, depending on if I have a meeting for my art history discussion, thus I'll be starting a weekly blog about the lackluster events of my Wednesdays and what I did or didn't accomplish, who I ran into and perhaps I'll do some sort of top arbitrary number list or something too. This may lead to me finally filming my "weekly Stuff I think it awesome" video series. Nevertheless this is a really long amount of free time and I'll have to find some way to kill it for the next 10 weeks.

So yeah, the start of today's loooooooooooooong Wednesday was enjoyable enough, at around 11 am I went to my car and ate my lunch, took a nice relaxing rest and got the bulk of a new VooDoo Plushie finished within the first hour (I don't have stuffing material or eyes handy), from there I wandered back onto campus, and sat down on my lappy and started watching Season One of Unfrogotten Realms again, I'm enjoying watching it on iTunes since its now a downloadable podcast, makes me happy. Ran into a couple friends and we were able to chat till their class started at one. I got to deliver This guy to my Homegirl Jolene, it was her (rather delayed) birthday/Christmas present.

After that I decided to take a walk, and circled the entirety of Aldrich Park on campus, I then worked my way towards the student center I there ran in to an associate I hadn't gotten to talk to much, Adrian was on his way to get some food, I offered to join him, even though I didn't need to, grabbed a snack, which was tasty and hung with him till around 2ish. From there I returned to nearly the exact same spot I sat in an hour earlier and started this blog. woo. well, now class is about to start wee.

-Mad Artisan

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fisrt Day of School First Day of school!

Its the start of my second to last quarter here at UCI, and I'm stoked.

Outside of the fact that I can has only a 50 min Art History Lecture on Mon and Friday, making for more time driving than I have to be on campus. Although I'm gonna be busy enough to keep me around on mondays and fridays. This comes from the fact that I have on heckofa rad schedule.

Besides Art history i'm Rawking Advanced Sculpture, Senior Exhibition, and an issues class on Popular Culture. I'm gonna have fun. Senior Ex is gonna be where the Pimp 5 Productions team does our first Gallery-Presented Piece, a Video Installation Re-hash of the GRANDUJ Project, I'll go into discussing that further on the Pimp 5 Blog after we've had our first Team Meeting or the quarter later this week.

I'm somewhat concerned in the sense that my Advanced Sculpture class is going to have a different professor than I expected, thus my whole plan as to the kind of pieces I make may very well go out the window.

anywho, I'm also kicking out the jams on some more plush work (Mostly out of fleece), and hopefully will have the Mad Artisan Labs Website up online by the weekend, and perhaps the Nonsense Monsters Site too.

Speaking of Mad Artisan Labs... I have a Spreadshirt Store up, and you can check it out here:

I'll post about the designs on there some other time. Class is over, Later Y'all
