Friday, May 14, 2010

well Heloooooo intewebs I'm back.

as the title says the Mad Artisan returns with a vengeance, the end of my last quarter coupled with the beginning of my current one has put me more than a little behind on updating well... anything. Seriously I had to actually Look at my last post to figure out where I need to pick back up. There's SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for me to post I don't even know where to start. So I'm just going to talk about what I've done and post pictures later when I have the time.

I've made some rad things like a Muppet-esque version of myself. somehow managed to recover many of my what I though was lost photographs from Intermediate Sculpture, been working on a cavalcade of plush monsters as well as some experiments in Creature-y things that can hold stuff. I'm long over due for posting the Final Version of GRANDUJ (Redux) to the interwebs, but that is coming soon too.  I'm Working on A Video Project, some performance-y things and a like 16-page Graphic Novel this quarter, plus I have another Research-driven class... I'm pretty busy.

So, without further delay, Pics:

Last quarter I shaved off my 'stache for the sake of a character I was performing, thus puppetnate reflects that fact.

I've been expanding on the Idea that started with the Nomsters, making some various types of Nonsense Monster "Bags" with either drawstring pulls or zipper mouths. My protoypes here, are used as Dicebags:

Voodoo Head Drawstring bag:
Zippermouth Nomster:
There's a couple more of these guys I'll post pictures when I get the chance.

I've also made 5 more nomsters on commission:

Also I recently finished The First of 8 new Pyramidsaurs, This is Slunk Muhwunk.

Fun Fact: this was the last one that I started of this set, but the first that I finished.

I should have the rest of these guys as well as like 3 other plush projects in the works and updated soon, and speaking of plushies I totally just noticed that pretty much my entire stock in my Etsy Store has timed out, I'm going to re-list everthing at lower prices as well as put up some new stuff, tell your friends and family help support my time-wasting monster making!

Also I want to once again Plug my current Video Project AMASS MEDIA I'm looking to collect as many submissions as I can.


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