Monday, December 13, 2010

Its Christmas in California, and its hard to ignore that it feels like summer all the time.

As I write this its still 70 something outside, twas maybe low 80s max today, and ya know what? I love it. I truly enjoy the fact that it really doesn't hit supa-cold winter weather for more than a few weeks out here, I'm kinda at a point where its hard to imagine it any other way. By the way this post's title comes from a Jack's Mannequin song:

Anywho a bunch of stuff's happened since I last posted here, where to begin...  (read after the jump)

I've gone to the Land of Dizz Knee twice(Bent on using that pass to its fullest), and DCA's done it job of making me completely amped to see TRON Legacy, even if it's been obviously excessively hyped to the point where one has to expect it to be terrible, I'm sure its gonna still look sexxy in IMAX. The link sends you to Tobuscus' Literal Trailer....... and all I have to say about that is JEFF BRIDGES!!!!

I've experienced both sides of a D-land trip on those two trips. I went in November the day after Veteran's Day(which was also the start of holiday decorations) and it was crazy busy. Like wait in line for two hours to ride space mountain busy. The second trip, last Thursday, was exceptional. My buddy Brandon bought a pass finally and twas supa fun. There were very low crowds, for example we rode California Screamin' twice in less than 10 min. And I also gave my new Kodak Playsport a good test drive, and it proved great. I'm going to have Vlog-tastic Video from the trip last week uploaded somewhere soon.

World of Color continues to impress me every time I watch it. But, I continue to feel like they really missed something by not putting Dr. Facilier's Song "friends on the other side" in it. I'd continue that rant further, but I have this wonderful video of my buddy Grant and I talking about it so I suppose it can wait until we post it. 
I made a bunch more plushies right after the "big sale" but its been a good 3 weeks since I've actually finished something. Anywho here's the ones that were done in early November:

I've been in a Plush funk since my old sewing machine broke, funny part is I bought a new one less than a week after it happened, I just haven't had a good opportunity to use it since picking it up. Also, its a little more fancy than my last one and I was bent on knowing how everything worked before I actually started sewing with it. Fortunately I don't have another day of work until January.(one of the perks for working for a school district, the downside is that it also means there's very few days to get paid for... :/ ) so I plan on getting in some new plush-tastic awesome going in the next couple days. I may plush-a-thon later this week, keep your eyes open.

I've actually done quite a bit of sewing still, just haven't finished things to completion. I can partially attribute that to the fact that I gone on a groove making turtlebugs, which I admit, require a sewing machine to finish (I like to detail the shells that way) and I've worked on a couple other things too, like a couple more toe sock safari animals, they're still unstuffed.

I have on the other hand, done a lot of concept drawings, particularly of Owls, as they are on my list of "animals I really should make" and I drew up a Stegosaurus too.
There's some more sketches on the Mad Artisan Labs Facebook too. You can check them out there.

Just before Thanksgiving I made these radical Candy Turkeys for my Mom's class. They were pretty fun to make.

Expect the next few days to have more updates and some fresh plush! I'm long overdue. but that's enough for this one.

-Mad Artisan

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